To fix random shutdown issues, please see the solutions provided below.
Did not get that work done because your Windows shuts down?
Most Windows users have experienced this issue, if not all. I myself have gone into this issue and was able to resolve this one.
Let’s get into the fixes:
Step 1: Restart your computer
This might sound so basic, but yes it does work. If you have not been able to restart your PC for a very long time, it’s time to do it now. Restarting your computer does a lot of fixes. It flushes your RAM, stops memory leaks, speeds up PC performance and fixes bugs.
Make sure that you restart your computer properly, though.
1. Please go to your Start
2. Select Power button
3. Choose Restart

Step 2: Turn Off Sleep Mode
Sleep mode is a useful feature that Windows 10 has, it enables you to save computer power while it allows you to continue using your computer in a couple seconds. But, some Windows users experienced total shutdown instead of Windows activating sleep mode feature.
To resolve this:
1. Please open your Start
2. Click on Settings

3. Open System
4. Set both Screen and Sleep to Never
Step 3: Check your PC’s temperature

For an instance that your CPU and GPU overheat your PC automatically shuts down to prevent serious damage to your computer.
If this is the case, you can follow these steps below.
Change overclock settings to default
If you have set and changed your overclock settings for a specific game, you can disable it to prevent high temperature on your PC.
Clean fans
Dusts, they are little objects but when it piles up inside your PC, it could disrupt the airflow of your computer, thus, cleaning your fans can improve airflow and ultimately leads to cooler PC.
Use Cooling Pad
For laptop users, you can use a cooling pad to help you regulate the heat of your computer.
Step 4: Check hard disks

Damaged or corrupted HDD leads to a lot of issues, mostly, your system won’t boot correctly. And can affect your system’s performance.
You can fix and check your disk errors by following the steps given below.
1. Please go to your Start and type CMD
2. Right-click Command Prompt and run as Administrator
3. On Command Prompt, type the following command shown below and hit Enter
sfc /scannow
4. You will be able to see the process running and verification phase
5. You may require to restart your computer to fully resolve corrupted or missing system files
Additional reference: https://blog.winzipsystemtools.com/how-tos/how-to-repair-system-files-using-system-file-checker/
Step 5: Updater your drivers
You need to make sure that you’ve got the latest and correct drivers installed on your computer.
Especially your GPU driver, you can use our very own tool to identify missing and outdated drivers on your system.

WinZip Driver Updater will deliver the latest update to your computer from the official manufacturers.