Secure and Protect PDFs in Seconds:

You probably wanted to share your PDF files with specific people you trust and got to be sure no one you don’t know can access your PDFs.

Password-protecting a PDF file is important since it not only ensures that unauthorized individuals cannot access critical information, but also guards against unauthorized changes.

WinZip PDF Pro got your back!

I’m going to be providing you easy-to-follow steps to get your PDF files secured and protected.

When you password-protect your PDFs, you control who can access and view them as a password is always required to completely open your files.

WinZip PDF Pro offers you this exact feature to secure your confidential files.

It’s Easy to Secure and Protect PDFs.

1. Download the latest version of WinZip PDF Pro

Secure and Protect PDFs

2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation

Secure and Protect PDFs

3. Open your PDF file

4. Start locking your PDF

Secure and Protect PDFs

5. Complete the changes by pressing the Apply button

Secure and Protect PDFs

WinZip PDF Pro can do so much more than just protect your PDFs. You can also start compressing your PDFs.

Get the Latest and Full Version of WinZip PDF Pro

We are happy to protect your PDFs,

Chris and the WinZip Team

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