Make your USB Drive as Bootable Device:

What is a bootable device?

A bootable device is a piece of hardware device is able to load and run an operating system. Mostly, a bootable device is use to load an operating system and install it into a computer machine.

Why do people use boot devices?

Boot devices are handy and unlike CD’s and DVD’s, most people nowadays are using bootable devices to format and install an operating system on their computers.

How do I create a bootable device?

You can create a boot device using your flash drive or pen drive, please see the following steps given below to create a bootable USB drive. There are two ways to create a boot device, if you are an advanced user you can pick manual method, however, if you are a beginner, please choose the easy method which is the automatic method provided below.

Step 1: Easy Method: Using a Program – Beginners

1. Please download the ISO to USB tool through the link below.

2. Once you have downloaded the file, install and run it by following the on-screen instructions.

3. On the tool interface, select appropriate instructions to complete the tasks.

Step 2: Manual Method: Using Command Line – Advanced users

1. Please go Start and type CMD, run it as administrator, see image provided below.

2. On CMD console, type the following command listed below.


list disk

3. And then type select disk and choose appropriate disk, if it’s disk 1 then type select disk 1 (Caution: Please select the right disk to avoid wiping the data of your system drive, check the disk size to be sure.)

Mostly, your USB drive will be the disk 1.

4. Then type clean, to wipe all the flash drive data, you will make room for your new files.

5. On CMD, type create partition primary

6. Type select partition 1

7. Type format fs=fat32 quick

8. Then exit, you can also type exit to properly close the command line.

9. Prepare your .ISO file.

10. Extract your files, usually, if you have .ISO files you need to extract it first using a file extractor.

For example, you have a Windows 7.ISO file, you need to use a software to extract that file and put it on your bootable device which is your USB drive.

If you don’t have an .ISO extractor, please download a free one from the link shown below.

Once you have extracted your .ISO file, you can directly copy all the files to your USB drive.

I hope this helps!

Best Regards,


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